Katy Perry: ¿Embarazada?

Video revelaría que la cantante está embarazada del actor Orlando Bloom con quien sostiene una relación.

Katy Perry. Foto: Instagram
Katy Perry. Foto: Instagram

Video revelaría que la cantante está embarazada del actor Orlando Bloom con quien sostiene una relación.

El pasado 29 de noviembre la cantante Katy Perry asistió al Snowflake Ball de UNICEF donde le fue otorgado el galardón de Audrey Hepburn Humanitarian Award.

La excandidata a la presidencia de Estados Unidos Hillary Clinton fue quien le entregó el reconocimiento.


Slowly, I am coming down from the beautiful cloud that was Tuesday night's @UNICEF Snowflake Ball. First and foremost, I am incredibly grateful to have received the Audrey Hepburn Humanitarian Award from my hero @HillaryClinton. This award will be a constant reminder to get out of my bubble and back into the field to shine a light on issues that matter most, especially to illuminate the plight of vulnerable children who are living without basic human needs and rights. This honor is a starting line, not a finish line, for me, and I am excited for where my new ambition and purpose leads me! I was profoundly moved and thoroughly surprised when Hillary showed up to give me this award. I broke down and wept watching her take the stage. The last time I was in NYC was for Election Night. I left covered in a blanket of sadness and despair because for me, and I imagine others, the results triggered a lot of dormant fears and emotions to the surface. I feared that we were not ever going to see the light of justice or fairness. I felt vulnerable, confused and frightened like a child. From the outside it probably looks as though I've always had a "voice." Truth is, I have never had one like I have found in the past year. I have a found a new voice, a more determined voice. I grew up sheltered, suppressed and kept silent for fear of giving the wrong answer. I would reveal my poor education. Or I was just scared. Hillary helped me see that we're all in this together, no matter where we come from, what color we are, or what status and education we have or don't have. Hillary lit a fire inside of me that burns brighter and brighter every day, and that fire will NEVER be put out. Feelings of despair still comes in waves, but now more than ever I am MOTIVATED to fight against social injustice and to promote equality and kindness as best I know how, through my art and influence. I am continually inspired by her strength and how she continues to rise like the Phoenix she is, every time. It's funny, sometimes people who disagree with me just say, "Shut up and sing." Boy, will I do so in a whole new way... next year. Hell hath no fury like a woman REBORN.

A photo posted by KATY PERRY (@katyperry) on

A pesar de los rumores de que su relación con el actor Orlando Bloom habría terminado o estaría al bordo de finalizar se les vio muy cariñosos durante la entrega.

Tanto que mientras Clinton decía algunas palabras para la estrella, las cámaras captaron el momento en que el actor le acariciaba la barriga a la artista en forma circular.

Aquel momento causó la reacción de muchos, los cuales han especulado la cantante estaría embarazada.

Tras la cantidad de rumores, el representante de la cantante comentó que es completamente falso.

¿Tú qué crees?

Aquí el video del momento:
