Mujer hizo 100 sentadillas diarias durante un mes y este fue el resultado

Tener un estilo de vida saludable es una de las cosas que más nos cuesta hacer, por eso casos como el siguiente siempre serán motivo de motivación. 

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Tener un estilo de vida saludable es una de las cosas que más nos cuesta hacer, por eso casos como el siguiente siempre serán motivo de motivación. 

Iniciar cualquier actividad siempre será complicada y más si es física, pero una vez comencemos no podremos dejar este nuevo estilo de vida saludable.

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Muchas mujeres desean tener el cuerpo de una modelo en poco tiempo, pero recuerda que es un trabajo de constancia. Así lo demostró Gina Florio, quien se convirtió en una de esas gurús que todas deberíamos seguir.

Gina decidió hacer 100 sentadillas diarias durante dos semanas. El cambio que ella notó no es solo físico sino en la forma de ver la vida y de sentirse satisfecha con el logro que había alcanzado.

Para miles de mujeres en todo el mundo hacer sentadillas es toda una tortura. “Durante los próximos 30 días, haré 100 sentadillas por día. Porque aparentemente soy muy glotona y es un buen “castigo”. Hoy es el Día 1, y mis cuádriceps ya arden como el infierno. Me llevó tanto tiempo entenderlos que ni siquiera podía incluirlos en un solo video. Pero las reglas son que tengo que hacerlas de una sola vez y no puedo dividirlas a lo largo del día. ¿Quién quiere unirse? !! ¡Veamos qué pasa! @jennysugar.

Los entrenadores han indicado que para ver los cambios en cualquier parte de nuestro cuerpo debemos esperar entre cuatro a seis semanas.

Una de la de las partes más importantes para que cualquier cambio físico funcione es tener una buena nutrición, si durante el día consumimos comida chatarra en lugar de verduras y frutas, los ejercicios que realicemos no servirán de nada.

Hacer sentadillas al menos dos o tres veces a la semana ayudará a que nuestros músculos se fortalezcan, quemamos grasa más rápido y nos ayudará a que lleguen más nutrientes a todos los tejidos.

“Sí, puedes CONSTRUIR CURVAS! Desde que I? era adolescente, siempre me encantó el aspecto curvilíneo, pero fui bendecida con una contextura robusta que no tiene mucha curva con hombros anchos y una cintura más grande. I? solía pensar que el entrenamiento con pesas iba a hacerme más robusta y más grande, pero después de solo unos meses de usar las pesas, ¡finalmente estoy construyendo algunas curvas!.


2017 is almost over and I can’t help but be very proud of how far I’ve come. If you want to read all about my story, click on the LINK IN MY BIO! I wrote in detail about the 4 major but totally doable changes I made this past year to lose weight, get my health back on track, and get fitter than ever. * * * * * When this year started I was in a bad place in my life. It’s hard to eat well and workout when you’re at rock bottom, so I lost my mojo and let my diet and fitness fall to the wayside. But you can always turn things around. You always have a choice and you always have the chance to take responsibility for your decisions. If you’re in a similar place as I was at the beginning of this year, take this as proof that you can get yourself to a better place if you just put in the work and commit to a few simple changes. If you ever need someone to vent to, DM me! I know how helpful it is to have a friend who is there when you need support! * * * * * And don’t be shy about taking your own pictures of your progress. Don’t listen to the people out there who spew bullshit about how before and after pictures are self-involved, unhealthy, etc. Looking back on my pictures over the last several months has motivated me to keep going and take care of myself every day, no matter how hectic things get ?????????? #getstrongwithgina #beforeandafterweightloss #beforeandafter #veganweightloss #popsugar #popsugarlife #pslife #plantbasedweightloss #plantbasedeating #veganweightlifter #veganasian #veganlifestyle #eatplantsnotanimals #weightliftingforweightloss #liftweightsloseweight #sanfranciscofitness #californiafitness #californiafit #asianfitness #asianfitgirl #veganfitgirl #fitvegan #vegangym #equinox #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightloss2017 #weightlossjourney2017 #veganfitfam #poweredbyplants

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Yes, you can BUILD CURVES! Ever since I? was a teen I always loved the curvy look, but I? was blessed (LOL) with a stocky build that doesn’t have much curve to it. Broad shoulders and a larger waist. I? used to think that weight training was going to make me stockier and bigger and manlier, but after just a few months of hitting the weights religiously, I? finally am building some curves! ???????????? ___ It’s all about heavy lifting, functional training, and lots and lots of good food. I? tossed on this bodysuit last week and realized that all the hard work is paying off. Chicas, if you want curves, go to the gym and get them! #getstrongwithgina #weightliftingforweightloss #asianfitness #asianfitgirls #asianfitgirl #sanfranciscofitness #californiafit #buildcurves #buildingcurves #veganweightloss #plantbasedweightloss #poweredbyplants #veganweightlossjourney #weightlossjourney #veganfitfam #veganfitgirl #plantbasedfit #plantbasedfitnessgirl #plantfitness #plantbasedlife #strongwoman #howtogetstrong #gettingstronger?? #veganweightlifting #veganweightlifter

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This is the 1 lower body move that everyone should be doing: Bulgarian Split Squat ?????? ___ There are several different variations out there but i find that this one targets the glutes the most. You may see some people perform this exercise with their front foot closer to the platform, so that their knee tracks more over their toe, but that will get deeper into your quads. @squats_and_samosas showed me that this variation, with the foot a little further out, will really blast the booty. And it’s so true! Additionally, i find that this version doesn’t put any strain on my lower back because i can keep my body more upright rather than leaning forward. ___ You do NOT have to start out with a barbell to do this exercise. I started with 25 lb plates in each hand and eventually worked my way up to this. Now I’m able to tack the 25 lb plates onto the barbell ???? i do this once a week (sometimes twice tbh) for 4 sets of 10 reps. Give it a try! ___ PS please excuse the shaky camera work ?? #getstrongwithgina #lowerbodyworkout #buttworkout #bulgariansplitsquats #splitsquats #workout #fitnessmotivation #fitgirl #strongwomen #womenwholift #workoutmotivation

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Just a couple months can make all the difference. This B&A is about much more than abs or thigh gap. When you feel bloated and tired and sluggish all the time, it’s only natural to want to make a change. Along the way i just got addicted to feeling great every single morning, so i stuck with my program, and i still have more goals i want to achieve. it’s all about smart choices and dedication. Be conscious of what you eat and commit to doing things for your health — especially on the days you don’t feel like it! That’s when it counts the most!! More to come of my story on @popsugarfitness ???????????? #weightloss #weightlossjourney #getstrongwithgina #popsugar #pslife #beforeandafter #fitness #weightlifting #strengthtraining #intermittentfasting #fitspo #fitgirl #motivation #inspiration #transformationtuesday #transformation

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